If you are running a bot or a CloudFlare connected user account, or you toot's privacy violating URI's and think any user repost (retoot) "yours" content... then please remember the following things:
By posting from one of these instances mentioned above or posting contents linking to any equal, you have been violating a lot of good Netiquette, Violated me and my fundamental human right to privacy, freedom and democracy. You have been violating the Maastricht Treaty by taking away users they option for free speech, free surfing of the internet, there right to freely obtain knowledge and rights to free opinion, by forcing them to have there action harvested, stolen, collected and sold to corporations, for whom, the free will and rights to freedom and democracy is pure evil, and is against they Capitalist goal of controlling the world and the minds of all other but them self.
If a post contains a link to a walled garden domain (e.g. Alphabet, Facebook, Cloudflare or Quora), We will not boost it. All posts we write and all boosts from us are openly accessible to everyone. (Public domain access)
It is with 99.9999% certainty not your original work. You stole it from somewhere else, trying to make it yours.
You post so much shit, We can't and won't help boosting your (bot) account(s).
Your post(s) contained a privacy violating URI, We put us self on the list of allowed users to repost. We will try to remember NOT to post credit to origin posts... Please don't shoot me, You stated violating everyone privacy, and you are of curse NOT welcome to add the link to original post as comment.
AI Generated contents is everybody's contents by curt ruling, the work is NOT yours and therefor not copyrighted, maybe you asked the Cluster of Computers thieves to generate you something from stolen work, that the cluster have been steeling against Licence this includes and not limited to OSS Licence as CC-BY-* AGPLv3 etc.
Reposting insecure content
All the above is about making sure the content of a toot (post) is sent over a secure and privacy respecting network of servers, to ensure free access to the contents from a location that is not under mass surveillance by any company, enemy or state.
If any user repost any contents of an account type mentioned above, you should be thankful and sent them your gratitude for do so.
In case you think otherwise, and thinks you should block our services, you are of curse free to do so, just remember you are doing the anti-democratic forces jobs, and you are operating on theirs behalf, not your own.
A definition list or a glossary:
- Netiquette
A codecs for how to behave on the internet. At this is our COC
- Cloudflare
A network designed to intercept all communication on the internet via its MITM activities. This means all domains running through this network are insecure as all traffic is intercepted (Putin style) and sold.
- Fediverse
The fediverse is a collection of community-owned, ad-free, decentralised, and privacy-centric social networks.
The fediverse is a collection of social networking services that can communicate with each other using a common protocol. Users of different websites can send and receive status updates, multimedia files and other data across the network. The term fediverse is a portmanteau of "federation" and "universe". The majority of fediverse platforms that are available are free and open-source software, and are based on the ActivityPub protocol.