Matrix master Help



This Mastodon Fediverse server instance is part of My Privacy DNS, managed by Spirillen aka.

Primary topics are about Internet #privacy, security, RPZ (Response policy zone) and other #Blacklist related topics.

Other Common usage is also very welcome.

This server diverse from many other fediverse networks, as we prioritize your privacy, such as notifying about Cloudflare link in your post. See also blocked servers.

This instance is **the first in the world** to ever be blocking for ALL CloudFlare hosted fediverse server, the absolutely first standing server. The First Fediverse server that ever did this was, managed by My Privacy DNS, which was the third attempt to run a CloudFlare free instance of the fediverse.

I like the MissKey and might keep it alive as long as possible for my personal amusement.

Reporting contents

If you feel like reporting any post of, you will need to apply the following contents to the report, otherwise, we just closing it, and no further action is taken.

  • Link to the message(s)

  • Meaningful description that explain exactly what this report is about, in details that can not be misunderstood.

  • If we ask you a question, you'll have one week to reply, or the report is closed for good.

If you fails to comply any of these requirements, the report is closed for good, and you will be listed in the hall of shame on the fediverse.

If we keep getting incomplete reports (Spamming) from any domain, we keep the right to Blacklist that server from sending further reports (Report Spam) to us.

Are you a user of one of our services, you might be silenced, if you keep posting bad reports (Spamming) and your account can be suspended without further notice

Feedback and support

Please report any issues, usability improvements, or feature requests to My Privacy DNS project (you will need to register).

Last modified: 11 September 2024